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Sr. Leaders - Brian and Janis Higbee

Brian and Janis Higbee both are from southwestern Pennsylvania where they live with or close to all of their children. “Growing up in this area has given us a real challenge of seeing beyond the conditions that face the church in this region. Looking beyond where we are into where the Lord wants us to go is at the heart of CityChurch.” Leading this amazing group of believers into the fullness of the Kingdom of God is at the heart of Brian’s and Janis’ passion.

Jen and Bryan Metzger

Using the title “prophet” seems to have been left in the dust of the old testament. Yet the Apostle Paul clearly declared that prophets were part of the team of leaders in the new testament church. The prophet, part of the ministry of Jesus, is included with the apostle, the evangelist, the teacher, and the pastor. These five ministry offices make up the team that equips the saints of God within the body of Christ, the Church, for ministry.

Jen Metzger has been using her gifting in the prophetic for many years. Hence we recognize the We also recognize that Jesus’ church is growing into the fullness of what He intematurity, character, and position God has brought Jen. nded and must move with Him.

Bryan is also in charge of the City Church Cafe and Jen is in charge of the Nursery.


According to Brian and Janis, “We are able to accomplish what we do here at CityChurch because of the team that serves the vision here. Without them our passion would only be theory. Because of the way they serve our people, our city, and this region, we have taken greater leaps in fulfilling this vision called CityChurch.

Greg and Jessica Stuart

Jessica Stuart is the Sr. Leader's Administrative Assistant and also heads up the SOZO ministry for City Church. Greg runs the camera at City Church.

Jake and Tish Tucholski

Jake and Tish Tucholski are long time members of City Church of Connellsville. Tish is in charge of the Benevolence Ministry including the iCan Ministry.

Karl and Brenda Siple

Karl and Brenda have been involved in leadership at City church for many years. Karl works with the SOZO ministry and Brenda is in charge of Small Groups.

Ken and Cheryl Leyda

Ken Leyda is in charge of the Ushers and the Altar Ministry Team

LaMonte Amos

LaMonte Amos is in charge of the Greeter Team and Welcome Ministry.

Kevin Mancuso

Kevin Mancuso is the leader of the Worship Team.

Lee Higgs

Lee Higgs is the Kidz Church Pastor.
206 Pittsburgh St.
Connellsville, PA 15425
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