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Who We Are

Brian Higbee

Pastor`s Word

We believe it's important to have a new members class at every church. These classes are supposed to be designed to give you a greater understanding of the principles, scriptural and spiritual guidelines that a community follows. The lessons are being outlined progressively in order to help with your knowledge of our church, as well as an overall knowledge of who is The God, what He teaches us and how you can praise His Name and Word

Just want you to know that CityChurch is better when you are here.

Pastor Brian

City Church awning

The Core

If you are an active part of CityChurch, you are part of TheCore.

TheCore is made up of those who consider themselves an active part of CityChurch. We meet once each month for meaty teaching, impartation, discussing what is ahead for CityChurch, and being available to be what is needed within the body.

TheCore is what makes CityChurch able to accomplish great things for God. We meet in the sanctuary of CityChurch at 5:30 PM the third Sunday of every month.

Almost every other month we invite one of the senior leaders within our region to speak into, impart, lay hands on TheCore. We believe that without TheCore taking an active role, we will only accomplish a small part of the calling God has placed on CityChurch.


Talk to anyone who has been at CityChurch for a while and you will find that one of the most life changing events that they have experienced being part of CityChurch is an encounter. You hear the excitement and freedom that is part of an encounter in their voice. You can feel the intimacy with the Lord that has become a regular part of their lives after an encounter.

An encounter is a time you and others set aside to spend with the Lord that allows you to be ministered to, grow, root out, tear down, build up, and generally make yourself available to accelerate into the next season of who you are.

We accomplish so much in a short time for several reasons:

  1. We set aside the majority of a weekend to spend with and make ourselves available to the Lord. Begins Friday night ending on Sunday morning.
  2. The Lord takes serious when His sons and daughters get serious with Him.
  3. Our encounter team is one of the best in the nation. They are experienced and available at the encounter to help you navigate into the next season of your life.
  4.  The facilities we use are chosen for their ability to inspire, encourage, and allow for intimate time with the Lord, encouraging time with other believers, and an overall life changing experience.
  5. The schedule makes great use of and encourages time for: teaching, ministry, fellowship, meals, personal reflection and recreation time.

What we Believe


Love—this is where it all begins. God loves. Begin and end everything on that one statement. Love is how God defines Himself. The love of God—agape—is the self-giving, self-sharing love.
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Love demands that you serve with your highest and best. When you serve with your highest and best, it is not long until you come to the end of you...the you that you have been.
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Each time you grow you become the greater version of you with a greater capacity to love. And with that greater capacity to love comes a greater heart to serve and then growth.
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206 Pittsburgh St.
Connellsville, PA 15425
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