The usher ministry creates, maintains, and increases the flow between the people and God through prayer, assisting ministers, and those attending with: seating, altar ministry, and crowd movement.
Head of Ushers
Kenny Leyda
Role of an usher
* Assist people’s need of comfort and minimal interruption during an experience or event.
* Be an extension of ministry.
* Effect the spiritual atmosphere through prayer, intercession, and discernment.
* Both men and women may serve as ushers.
When do ushers serve?
* Sunday morning experiences
* Regionwide prayer (once each month)
* Special events
* Ushers typically serve 2-3 times per month.
Responsibilities of an usher:
* Arrive 45 minutes prior to the experience
* Seating
* Encourage attention during services and minimize interruptions.
* Discourage small talk and discussion groups from forming near entrance/exit
* Participate in the collection of the offering
* Assist with flow of people during communion
* Adding/removing chairs, equipment during experience.
* Assist in cleanup of the sanctuary