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Kidz Church


We recognize that our children are not the church of tomorrow but are the church of today. KidzChurch creates an atmosphere by which kids are going to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” for their lives.

Head of Kidz Church

Lee Higgs

Role of a Kidz Church teachers and helpers

KidzChurch teachers coach, inspire, and take kidz to their highest level as disciples of Jesus. They impart the reality of the kingdom of God through excellent preparation, leadership, teaching, and impartation. Our teachers prepare and teach so that the kidz will understand, pursue, and begin to apply in their everyday lives what they have received.

When do Kidz Church teachers and helpers serve?

* during the Sunday morning experience

* The Gathering

Teachers serve two concurrent weeks every six weeks and helpers serve once every 2-3 months

What responsibilities do Kidz Church teachers and helpers have?

* Develop and execute teachings so kidz understand and put it into practice

* Be organized and maintain order in the classroom.

* Godly example and role model

* Satisfy necessary background checks

* Be age 18 or older.

* When teaching be part of the staff prayer/preparation meeting held in the green room at 9:10 AM.