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Benevolence Ministry


The Benevolence Ministry helps meet physical needs of those who have no other way. We not only help physically but offer for them to connect with God’s love as well.

Head of Benevolence Ministry

Tish Tucholski

Role of Benevolence Ministry Team Member:

* Help assess the need

* Determine how to fulfill that need

* Love and connect with those in need

* Encourage the one in need to connect with spiritual family

* Pray for those in need

* Use wisdom and discernment to prevent abuse of benevolence

* Follow up after the need is met

* Help connect those in need with ministry and agencies to help.

* Become familiar with the assisting ministries and agencies

Can I help without being part of the team?

* Donate non-perishable food items. We host the iCan ministry every third Sunday of every month. We ask everyone to bring in two cans of food in order to keep our shelves stocked and readily available for those in need.

* When you give to the benevolence ministry 100% of all monetary donations go to meet people’s needs. With everyone doing a little we all together do a lot.

206 Pittsburgh St.
Connellsville, PA 15425
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