What is the average service like on Sunday mornings?
We call our service on Sunday morning an “experience.” Why? Our motivation is for you to meet with God and His wonderful people. Our worship may be considered intimate, contemporary, or upbeat. The atmosphere could be described as relaxed, energetic, and full of some really loving people. The preaching is focused on becoming who God made you to be as well as pursuing the kingdom of God. Experience Time: Sunday Morning 10 AM and usually finishes around 11:30 AM.
Can I take a beverage into the sanctuary?
You sure can take a beverage into the sanctuary. We ask that children be supervised. If you have a spill just let an usher know and we can clean it up after the experience.
How can I contact City Church?
By email: [email protected] by phone: 724.628.0700 by USPS: 206 North Pittsburgh Street, Connellsville, PA
Do you have a ministry for addiction?
We do. Celebrate Recovery meets at Word of Life in Greensburg every Tuesday at 7:00 PM. The address is: 4497 State Route 136 Greensburg, PA 15601. We also have long term addiction ministry at The Father’s Heart Ministries in Penn and McKeesport.
What about baptism and child dedication?
At CityChurch we baptize adults and dedicate children. We baptize at least twice each year: Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend. We call our baptism “The Big Splash.” We dedicate children when we have families that are ready to dedicate their children to the Lord.
How do I become a member at City Church?
At CityChurch we believe membership is based on relationship. Every healthy relationship has visible components such as spending time together, serving each others needs, being a blessing to each other. The same is true of being part of the local body of Christ. And that is how we determine officially if one is part of this local body called CityChurch. To be a member of CityChurch you must actively serve, tithe, and be a regular part of what we do. We are not looking to create lists, but significant and valuable relationships as believers.
Do you do mission trips?
Absolutely. We are actively engaged in several areas of the world: Tanzania (Africa), Kraljevo (Serbia), and Békés (Hungary). We encourage those who are part of CityChurch to go into these uttermost parts of the world.
What are the ages for Nursery?
Nursery is open to those children three months to three years of age. For safety of our nursery kids only clearanced and authorized staff are permitted in the nursery.
What are the ages for KidzChurch?
Three years up to and including sixth grade.
Is there a teen ministry?
Seeing young people as the church of today is important. Our heart is to integrate young people into the flow and function of
CityChurch as soon as they are able. You will see young people serving behind the sound booth, in the café, all throughout
the experience. Young people meet in a small group each week but are part of the make up of the whole of CityChurch and
are included accordingly
How do people dress at CityChurch?
As you can see in most of the pictures, everyone is pretty casual. Anything from shorts and T-shirts to a tuxedo works. We
do not get our shorts in a knot about how people dress.
What kind of church is CityChurch?
To give you the best answer we need to adjust the question a little. CityChurch is not so much a kind as it is a who. And CityChurch is made up of people. The truth is that CityChurch is made up of those who are a part. So if you ask, “Do you believe in tongues?” The answer is, “Depends on who you ask.” We come from different backgrounds and experiences. Many never attended church before; others were Methodist, still others: Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Lutheran,
Church of God, atheists, and non-denominational. If you ask someone on the senior leadership team of CityChurch they will respond with something like, “I believe that all of the bible, including the gifts, expression, and miracles are for us to pursue. Yet, each one pursues them a little differently and at a little different pace.”