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Foundations Overview

I3 – Inform Impart Impact

Foundations is a three semester discipleship program that will help each follower of Christ discover who he or she really is. We will take one who has determined that Jesus Christ is Lord of their life and mature them through a three-part interaction:

* Inform – sound, biblical teaching and instruction moves from the theoretical to the practical;

* Impart – releasing anointing through group and one on one ministry. Most sessions will include a time of impartation, ministry, and prayer;

* Impact – practical application so that each attending may immediately affect their personal, family, social, and work life.

TS10–Three Semesters of Ten Sessions of life giving instruction. Each semester will focus on a different aspect of the life of a follower of Christ.

* Semester 1 – Relationships

* Semester 2 – The Kingdom of God

* Semester 3 – Man

Foundations will bring every believer into the truths that CityChurch has been pursuing over the last ten years.


1. Jesus is Lord of your life.

2. Must be teachable. We are not looking for those who are merely looking for another good teaching. This is discipleship.

3. You must be willing to not just learn but do what you learn.

4. You must be willing to receive. This is a supernatural exchange that takes place.

a. God displaces our natural understanding with supernatural understanding.

b. He replaces our natural ability with supernatural ability.

c. He replaces our senses with supernatural senses.

Core Scripture of Foundations

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

This is the command of Jesus to His followers. “Go therefore and make disciples.”

1. Baptize them into everything of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit;

2. Teach them – inform them, do not keep them in ignorance;

3. Teach them to observe all the things I have commanded you; not just learn but do what is commanded.


Foundations is designed to help each believer discover who God has designed and created them to be by equipping them with the three I’s: Information, Impartation, and being Impacted. Because we do not require testing, attendance and participation is paramount. However, we do understand work schedules, interruptions, etc.. Therefore it is available to make up a missed class online. To be credited for class attendance or online attendance one must correctly complete the fill-in blanks and submit the corresponding sheet with eighty percent accuracy.


All books recommended are suggested reading. The books recommended will give the disciple a much broader understanding of the subject matter and will further the disciples ability to apply practically what they learn. All books will be offered by the CityChurch bookstore for the disciples convenience and availability.

Semester Completion

After the conclusion of each semester, those disciples who successfully complete all ten classes will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion.

Foundations Completion

After successfully completing all three semesters each student will be eligible to attend a brief graduation ceremony recognizing their effort, faithfulness, and long-term commitment to establishing the foundations of the kingdom in their life.

Missed Classes

Every year each semester will be offered and classes missed may be made up without penalty.

Online Classes

Foundations is able to be taken online.

206 Pittsburgh St.
Connellsville, PA 15425
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