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Worship Team


Our worship is to lead those who are part of our experience into a deep and intimate encounter with the Lord. To that end, CityChurch worship is lead by a team committed to that very purpose.

Head of Worship Team

Kevin Mancuso

Head of Worship Team

Kevin Mancuso

Role of worship team members

* God’s presence and leading others into the presence of God through worship.

* Basic skills are required to be part of the active experience.

* A tryout is to assess the basic skills to determine whether a musician can be active or in training.

* Team members include but are not limited to vocalists, musicians, sound technicians, and let’s not forget the Necessary Editing Recognition Display Specialists – NERDS. (by their own naming)

When does the worship team serve?

* Sunday morning experience.

* Regionwide prayer meetings (once a month).

* TheCore meetings (once a month).

* all special events and/or meetings held at CityChurch.

* special off location events

Responsibilities of Worship Team members:

* prayer and The Word as a daily lifestyle

* prepared and attend all practices

* individual practice and growth of ability

206 Pittsburgh St.
Connellsville, PA 15425
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