Welcome to City Church!
We are amazingly blessed that you are here. It is our heart that you experience the wonderful presence and touch of God today. If there is any way. to make your experience better let us know!
Brian Higbee – Senior Leader

Brian's Latest Book
The earth is broken. The Father intends that mankind fix it. Another new method? Another Program?Why have we been so incapable so far?
Jesus sat before His disciples and offered them a key. They took it and turned the earth upside down. But somehow in the course of time, that key was lost.
Jesus stands again before His disciples with hands open wide. In it is the same key. And on that key is written childlike.
Our Ministries
Prayer Room
An interactive prayer room is available when the church is open. In an atmosphere of beauty and peace, it is designed to engage all five senses and deepen your experience in prayer.
Guide Ministry
The guide ministry connects visitors with the people and the facilities of CityChurch so they feel accepted, welcomed, and comfortable.
Audio/Video Ministry
The audio/visual ministry provides technical support during live experiences as well as podcast and television production.
Worship Team
Our worship is to lead those who are part of our experience into a deep and intimate encounter with the Lord. To that end, CityChurch worship is lead by a team committed to that very purpose.
The usher ministry creates, maintains, and increases the flow between the people and God through prayer, assisting ministers, and those attending with: seating, altar ministry, and crowd movement.
Altar Ministry
The altar ministry team is to create, maintain, and increase heavenly flow between the people and God by praying, assisting the lead minister with ministry, assisting those being ministered to, and creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere for those being ministered to.
Transportation Ministry
The transportation ministry team provides reliable transportation to and from CityChurch creating a way for those who have no other transportation to come and experience God, His presence, and His people in the local Church.
Benevolence Ministry
The Benevolence Ministry helps meet physical needs of those who have no other way. We not only help physically but offer for them to connect with God’s love as well.
We gather the first Saturday of each month at 6:30 am to pray, worship, declare, and proclaim.
The iCan ministry is part of the benevolence ministry at CityChurch. Once a month we ask everyone to bring one or two cans or boxes of non-perishable food to have on hand for those in need.
The CityChurch BookStore ministry is to promote continual spiritual growth in the Kingdom of God by making relevant resource materials easily accessible at a fair price.
Welcome to the City Church Cafe. Come see us and hang out one hour before the experience! 9AM. The CityChurch Café provides excellent café refreshments while bannering an atmosphere of excellence and presence.
A Sozo session is a time for the Sozo team to sit down with you and with the help of the Holy Spirit walk you through the process of freedom and wholeness. Sozo is not a counseling session but a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit for wholeness and pursuing of your destiny.
Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Kidz Church
We recognize that our children are not the church of tomorrow but are the church of today. KidzChurch creates an atmosphere by which kids are going to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” for their lives.
The nursery ministry provides a safe and spiritually charged atmosphere for children ages 3 months to 3 years old through prayer, worship, interaction and playtime.
Cell Groups
Cell groups are small groups that meet each week throughout the surrounding communities. The purpose of cell groups are for believers to come together in a relaxed home atmosphere to share, pray, and foster great relationships. We have mens, womens, kids, and mixed cell groups meeting at various times and locations.